New York (United States), 04/04/2023.- Former US President Donald J. Trump leaves Trump Tower to head to New York Criminal Court in New York, New York, USA, 04 April 2023. A Manhattan grand jury voted to indict former President Donald J. Trump last week and he will turn himself in at the courthouse and appear before a judge to hear the charges against him later today. (Estados Unidos, Nueva York) EFE/EPA/CJ GUNTHER EPA-EFE/CJ GUNTHER
El expresidente de Estados Unidos Donald Trump ha llegado al tribunal ante el que comparece esta tarde en torno a las 14.15, en la Fiscalía y el tribunal penal de Manhattan. Un número relativamente escaso de sus seguidores, acompañado por un número similar de manifestantes en su contra, se han agolpado ante la puerta del tribunal de la mayor ciudad estadounidense.
Los más de 30 cargos por los que ha sido imputado, que no se conocerán hasta entonces, están relacionados con un pago secreto, de 130.000 dólares, realizado en 2016 para comprar el silencio de la actriz porno Stormy Daniels sobre una aventura extramatrimonial con el magnate.
New York (United States), 04/04/2023.- Former US President Donald J. Trump leaves Trump Tower to head to New York Criminal Court in New York, New York, USA, 04 April 2023. A Manhattan grand jury voted to indict former President Donald J. Trump last week and he will turn himself in at the courthouse and appear before a judge to hear the charges against him later today. (Estados Unidos, Nueva York) EFE/EPA/CJ GUNTHERNew York (United States), 04/04/2023.- Former US President Donald J. Trump leaves Trump Tower to head to New York Criminal Court in New York, New York, USA, 04 April 2023. A Manhattan grand jury voted to indict former President Donald J. Trump last week and he will turn himself in at the courthouse and appear before a judge to hear the charges against him later today. (Estados Unidos, Nueva York) EFE/EPA/CJ GUNTHER EPA-EFE/CJ GUNTHERNew York (United States), 04/04/2023.- Former US President Donald J. Trump leaves Trump Tower to head to New York Criminal Court in New York, New York, USA, 04 April 2023. A Manhattan grand jury voted to indict former President Donald J. Trump last week and he will turn himself in at the courthouse and appear before a judge to hear the charges against him later today. (Estados Unidos, Nueva York) EFE/EPA/CJ GUNTHER New York (United States), 04/04/2023.- Former US President Donald J. Trump leaves Trump Tower to head to New York Criminal Court in New York, New York, USA, 04 April 2023. A Manhattan grand jury voted to indict former President Donald J. Trump last week and he will turn himself in at the courthouse and appear before a judge to hear the charges against him later today. (Estados Unidos, Nueva York) EFE/EPA/CJ GUNTHER
Seis horas después de acudir a Nueva York y en horario de máxima audiencia, se dirigirá a sus seguidores desde su mansión de Mar-a-Lago, en Florida, donde vive desde que abandonó la Casa Blanca en enero de 2021. Se trata de la primera imputación de un mandatario, retirado o en activo, en la historia de EE UU.
La visita relámpago de Trump a Nueva York este martes para asistir a la lectura de los cargos por los que fue imputado la semana pasada por un gran jurado tiene a las fuerzas de seguridad de la ciudad en alerta por posibles tumultos, aunque por ahora no hay constancia de amenazas serias.
El expresidente de Estados Unidos Donald Trump se declaró este martes no culpable de los 34 cargos en relación con los pagos irregulares a la actriz porno Stormy Daniels durante la campaña presidencial de 2016, para que no hiciera público una relación sexual entre ambos. Trump, que se ha convertido […]