Britain’s King Charles and Queen Camilla travel from Westminster Abbey in the Gold State Coach, following their coronation ceremony, in London, Britain May 6, 2023. REUTERS/Lisi Niesner
El rey Carlos III y la reina consorte, Camila, salieron este sábado en procesión del Palacio de Buckingham, en Londres, hacia la Abadía de Westminster, donde el monarca será coronado en presencia de otros miembros de la realeza y miles de invitados.
A las 10.20 hora local (09.20 GMT), la carroza «Diamond Jubilee», en la que viajan los reyes, avanzó por la avenida The Mall, que une el palacio y la plaza de Trafalgar, hacia la zona gubernamental, donde miles de personas se han congregado a ambos lados del bulevar.
En un día ligeramente lluvioso en la capital británica, la carroza, tirada por seis caballos blancos, va acompañada por miembros de guardia real montada a caballo y otros guardias de a pie.
El rey británico va con capa blanca mientras que la reina consorte también viste de blanco.
Al ritmo del sonido de tambores, la procesión avanza lentamente por la avenida The Mall, que une el palacio de Buckingham con la plaza de Trafalgar, hacia el templo anglicano, cuya llegada está prevista para las 10.53 hora local (09.53 GMT).
La carroza de roble dispone de aire acondicionado y tiene suspensión hidráulica, es tirada por seis caballos y es escoltada por miembros de la guardia real.
A ambos lados de la avenida The Mall, que une el palacio de Buckingham, y Whitehall, zona gubernamental, hay miles de británicos y turistas extranjeros, portando banderas, gorras y pancartas.
Algunos llevan varios días durmiendo frente a las vallas de seguridad instaladas por la policía a fin de asegurarse el mejor puesto para ver de cerca el evento de la coronación, que las fuerzas de seguridad han denominado «Operación Orbe Dorado».
Más de 11.000 agentes participan en este impresionante dispositivo, calificado por las fuerzas del orden como el mayor despliegue de la historia de Londres, destinado a asegurar que el evento de la coronación, que será seguido por millones de personas en el país y en el extranjero, transcurra sin incidentes.
London (United Kingdom), 06/05/2023.- Britain’s King Charles III and the Queen Consort Camilla leave Buckingham Palace to Westminster Abbey for their Coronation ceremony in London, Britain, 06 May 2023. The King’s Procession in the Diamond Jubilee State coach is accompanied by The Sovereign’Äôs Escort of the Household Cavalry. (Reino Unido, Londres) EFE/EPA/Neil HallLondon (United Kingdom), 06/05/2023.- Royal British Legion standard bearers walk in Parliament Square before the Coronation ceremony of King Charles III at Westminster Abbey in London, Britain, 06 May 2023. (Reino Unido, Londres) EFE/EPA/Tolga AkmenLondon (United Kingdom), 06/05/2023.- Spectatorts cheer as Britain’s King Charles III and the Queen Consort Camilla travel from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Abbey for their Coronation ceremony in London, Britain, 06 May 2023. The King’s Procession in the Diamond Jubilee State coach is accompanied by The Sovereign’Äôs Escort of the Household Cavalry. (Reino Unido, Londres) EFE/EPA/Martin DivisekLondon (United Kingdom), 06/05/2023.- Britain’s King Charles III and the Queen Consort Camilla travel from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Abbey for their Coronation ceremony in London, Britain, 06 May 2023. The King’s Procession in the Diamond Jubilee State coach is accompanied by The Sovereign’Äôs Escort of the Household Cavalry. (Reino Unido, Londres) EFE/EPA/Martin DivisekLondon (United Kingdom), 06/05/2023.- Britain’s King Charles III and the Queen Consort Camilla travel from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Abbey for their Coronation ceremony in London, Britain, 06 May 2023. The King’s Procession in the Diamond Jubilee State coach is accompanied by The Sovereign’s Escort of the Household Cavalry. (Reino Unido, Londres) EFE/EPA/Tolga AkmenLondon (United Kingdom), 06/05/2023.- Britain’s King Charles III and the Queen Consort Camilla travel through Parliament Square to Westminster Abbey for their Coronation ceremony in London, Britain, 06 May 2023. The King’s Procession in the Diamond Jubilee State coach is accompanied by The Sovereign’Äôs Escort of the Household Cavalry. (Reino Unido, Londres) EFE/EPA/Tolga AkmenLondon (United Kingdom), 06/05/2023.- A handout photo made available by the British Ministry of Defence showing a Royal Marine Band contingent marching towards Buckingham Palace ahead of the coronation ceremony of King Charles lll in London, Britain, 06 May 2023. (Reino Unido, Londres) EFE/EPA/LPhot James Clarke HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALESLondon (United Kingdom), 06/05/2023.- Britain’s King Charles III travels through Parliament Square to Westminster Abbey for their Coronation ceremony in London, Britain, 06 May 2023. The King’s Procession in the Diamond Jubilee State coach is accompanied by The Sovereign’Äôs Escort of the Household Cavalry. (Reino Unido, Londres) EFE/EPA/Tolga AkmenLondon (United Kingdom), 06/05/2023.- (L-R) Britain’s Catherine, Princess of Wales, with her children Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis arrive for the Coronation of Britain’s King Charles III and Queen Camilla at Westminster Abbey in London, Britain, 06 May 2023. Coronations of British Kings and Queens have taken place at Westminster Abbey for the last 900 years. The service will be attended by around 100 heads of state from around the world. (Reino Unido, Londres) EFE/EPA/Andy RainLondon (United Kingdom), 06/05/2023.- Britain’s King Charles III and the Queen Consort Camilla travel through Parliament Square to Westminster Abbey for their Coronation ceremony in London, Britain, 06 May 2023. The King’s Procession in the Diamond Jubilee State coach is accompanied by The Sovereign’Äôs Escort of the Household Cavalry. (Reino Unido, Londres) EFE/EPA/Tolga AkmenLondon (United Kingdom), 06/05/2023.- Britain’s King Charles III and the Queen Consort Camilla travel from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Abbey for their Coronation ceremony in London, Britain, 06 May 2023. The King’s Procession in the Diamond Jubilee State coach is accompanied by The Sovereign’s Escort of the Household Cavalry. (Reino Unido, Londres) EFE/EPA/Tolga AkmenLondon (United Kingdom), 06/05/2023.- Britain’s King Charles III and the Queen Consort Camilla travel from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Abbey for their Coronation ceremony in London, Britain, 06 May 2023. The King’s Procession in the Diamond Jubilee State coach is accompanied by The Sovereign’s Escort of the Household Cavalry. (Reino Unido, Londres) EFE/EPA/Tolga AkmenLondon (United Kingdom), 06/05/2023.- Britain’s King Charles III and the Queen Consort Camilla travel through Parliament Square to Westminster Abbey for their Coronation ceremony in London, Britain, 06 May 2023. The King’s Procession in the Diamond Jubilee State coach is accompanied by The Sovereign’Äôs Escort of the Household Cavalry. (Reino Unido, Londres) EFE/EPA/Tolga Akmen
Los testimonios de las víctimas de la represión y tortura chavista ante la CPI, son desgarradores, espeluznantes, duelen en el alma las versiones de cada una de las víctimas, que narran testimonios de una dura y cruel realidad, en la que el régimen criminal es el autor que ha generado […]